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Product Suppliers > Names beginning T > The Willow Gypsies
The Willow Gypsies
Our Locale
Locale ID:  AL5084
Homepage URL:  n/a
Business Detailed:  We are a small homestead that strives to be self-sufficient and produce naturally grown vegetables as well as keeping a small flock of chickens for eggs. We have mature hickory and walnut trees that provide us with nuts. During the course of providing for ourselves we find that often we have an excess and we make this available to neighbors and anyone else who happens to drop by. We also have an herb patch. With horses as well as chickens we always have plenty of natural fertilizer. Sometimes we have firewood, compost, worms and handcrafted items. These items are available in season and on a first come first served basis. We integrate just about everything we do here with an attitude of waste nothing. We believe that even in a small space there is abundance if you only know what to look for. We do not operate as a farm business for profit but more as an example to others who would like to "do more" with what they already have. Our primary business is building willow furniture. We harvest wild willow from local farms and then sell our furniture at local markets and farm stands. Willow is a renewable resource, ask any farmer and they will tell you that the more of it you cut the more you get. So what we do is work with the farmers to harvest the willow and keep it manageable for them, and plentiful for us. In this way we are able to form a working relationship with the farmer that creates a double benefit from what could be a nuisance. If you would like to know more about how this works please feel free to give us a call and check it out.
Owners Name:  Cassilda Brown
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  205 901 1397
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  19505 Co. Rd. 89
City:  Mentone
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  35984
State (if in U.S.):  AL
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  June 24, 2010
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Reviewed Listings:  Alabama (0 Reviews)
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